All in Leadership

Happy Earth Day 2020

This Earth Day is far different from any other in the last 15-25 years. Air pollution is said to have dropped by 30% in the Northeast of the US. March 2020 showed the lowest monthly atmospheric nitrogen dioxide levels of any March on record, which spans the past 15 years. Similar findings are coming from Italy and China. I've heard about coyotes in south Renton, WA, and other wild animals taking to our once populated cities around the world.

How To Find Your Voice When Stakes Are High

The other day I was speaking with a woman who sits on a board of education in Canada. They were underway with a new initiative pre-pandemic that is now looking like it has a much greater application than she had originally thought. The initiative is highly political and deeply needed in the school systems. She’s very passionate about it. The fear of offending someone that you’re trying to empower by saying the right thing but in the wrong way can be a show stopper (and not in a good way). This video is about how to find your voice when the pressure is on.