Course instructor

Jenn Morgan is a brand strategist and business coach with 15 years’ experience producing advertising for brands and helping leaders showcase their talent in the business world. She’s produced custom campaigns for companies such as Coca-Cola & Netflix, and directed the personal brand strategies of corporate executives and creative entrepreneurs in the USA, Canada, Australia, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Poland and Africa.

She is an independent business woman with a solid reputation as a visionary problem-solver and creative tactician in the fields of brand advertising, digital photography, media production, direct sales and marketing and professional development. Her clients have reduced production costs by fifty percent, doubled their sales conversion rates, quadrupled their ability to attract qualified leads and expanded their ability to influence and earn greater respect in the boardroom.

Jenn’s passionate about helping people identify and know their personal value in business. Her workshops are unique because she teaches people how to identify and focus their radically distinct perspective. This gives them greater confidence in themselves, more skill to influence others and more courage to charge what they're worth.