

The Caged Heart

The Caged Heart

Caged Heart by Jenn Morgan

I painted this caged heart when I started dating. I was 29 years old and had never really dated before. Mostly, I went from serious relationship to serious relationship. Wanted to try something new, I did a SWOT analysis on my relationship style. One of my insights was that I tend to give my heart away too quickly. That lead to my first dating goal: lock my heart up before I go out on a date.Suprising how challenging that was for me. But, it taught me a ton about the qualities in others that matter most to me. 

No matter what your relationship status, I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


Jenn Morgan

p.s. Here are a couple Radically Distinct Radio shows that might be helpful today. Authenticity in Branding and Emotional Tone.

How To Stop Things From Falling Apart

How To Stop Things From Falling Apart

Authenticity In Personal Branding

Authenticity In Personal Branding